I have an opinion on just about every subject but I'm not adamant that you agree with me!
No it's not a misspelling of 'PIE'. PI Day is March 14th at 1:59pm. It could actually be 1:59am, but who wants to get up at that time and celebrate, so we do it in the afternoon. This is a day for the geeks among us to honor this irrational number that is so useful.
PI goes out forever in it's precision, but most people stop at 3.14 or 3.14159 (hence the date and time of the celebration). Some people have even written poems or stories to help remember the digits. In the poems the length of the word represents the digit, if a word is 10 or more characters long, then it's used for 2 digits. Punctuation doesn't count. My favorite one can be found here: http://www.cadaeic.net/naraven.htm it has 740 digits of PI.
More to come ...
"I am the center of my own universe"